A Better Way To Buy Flooring

Dos and Don’ts: Hardwood Floors Care

Dos and Don’ts: Hardwood Floors Care

To help you keep your hardwood floors looking as beautiful as the day you got them follow these dos and don’ts.

Do not walk on the hardwood floor with stilettos heels or athletic spikes or metal cleats.

Do not use a wet mop. The worse thing that you can do for your hardwood floors is let water sit on it for too long. Water will damage the finish within minutes.

Do not use hot water to clean your hardwood floors. Hot water will absorb into the finish and wood wear layer leading to damage.

Do not use oil, wax or citrus based cleaners to clean hardwood floors. These cleaners can add film to the finish of the floors making them look cloudy.

Do keep the temperature consistent. Harsh swings in temperature can cause hardwood to dry out and crack the finish.

Do use cleaners that are approved for prefinished hardwood floors.

Do use gentle cleaning tools.

Do use mats and felt pads under all furniture to protect your floors.

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  • Jenna FM